Saturday, May 9, 2009


Vic and I are scheduled to jaunt over to Portsmouth today. We're pretty excited, and hoping that the weather doesn't prevent the outing. The tour operator seems confident.

How many whelks, olives, and scotch bonnets do you think we'll find? The sea has been fairly rough this week, so I'm not sure we'll do as well as we did in years past.

Yesterday on a south-facing beach we gathered more scallop shells...I think we have enough of those now, LOL. I picked up still another shelling guidebook (and a book on recollections of slavery, and a book on a Lake Michigan shipwreck, and two books reflecting on aspects of Hatteras life, and a cookbook, plus a DVD on local shipwrecks). It seems I can't help myself.

A word or two on cookbooks: For those of you not in the know, the recipes posted here are ones that I try in the kitchen, that turn out well enough to be recommended. I'm going to have to go back and tag all of them "recipe," plus find out exactly where I got each one from. I tend to transfer recipes to Excel so that I can cut amounts consistently and easily. Thus I don't have the pages in front of me when I'm making the food.

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