Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Run aground off Hatteras Island: Us!

Yes, as I mentioned below, our ferry ran aground yesterday. We decided against going to Ocracoke, since we would have been about 3 hours later than planned.

The ferry we were meant to take developed mechanical problems, so they brought in this other, larger ferry:

We're not Mann's Harbor but Hatteras Inlet. Our ferries do not have a row of seats on the car deck! And, BTW, here's our car riding aboard:

The boat had to apply side propulsion to get out of a sticky situation at the halfway point, but on we pressed. Until we were spitting distance from Ocracoke, where we grounded. One engine got dangerously hot as the ferry tried to extricate itself, by report of a crewman. I guess the channel got no deeper closer to the dock, as a decision was made to return pretty much the whole 40-minute distance to Hatteras.

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