Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mmm, ceviche

For two Christmases now, I've proposed to Vic that we make ceviche. He has rejected these proposals, but three times = the charm, right?

If you aren't familiar, ceviche is raw seafood marinated in citrus so that it's essentially "cooked." With jalapenos, sweet onion, and avocado, it's a lovely appetizer. I love how scallops, salmon, and shrimp taste in lime juice. Vic fears that his family won't go for raw seafood that has been chemically altered by citrus, but the alterations are identical in heating seafood.

From the Good Morning Gloucester blog, this one has mango in it:

And here's my recipe for CEVICHE:

Preparation time: 15 minutes to prepare, 3-4 hours to let sit. Always use the freshest fish possible. Make this on the same day that you purchase the fish.

2 lbs firm, fresh fish (e.g., salmon, shrimp, haddock, scallops), cut into 1/2" pieces
5-6 lg limes (or 3/4 c lime juice)
2 lg lemons (or 1/4 c lemon juice)
1/2 sweet onion (red or Vidalia)
1 md to lg tomato
2 serrano or jalapeno chilis, seeded and finely diced
dash ground oregano
salt to taste
dash Tabasco or pinch cayenne pepper
1 avocado
3 tbs cilantro
tortilla chips or taco shells
[optional: 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tsp+ minced garlic, sliced hearts of palm, crab meat]

Cut up onion and fish, making sure all skin and bones are removed. Seed and chop tomatoes and chilis. Squeeze limes and lemon.

In a non-reactive casserole dish, either Pyrex or ceramic, place the fish, onion, tomatoes, chili, salt, Tabasco, and oregano.

If using, mix the oil and/or garlic into juices. Cover fish mixture with lime and lemon juice. Let sit covered in the refrigerator for an hour, then stir, making sure more of the fish gets exposed to acidic juices. Let sit in refrigerator for at least another 3 hours, giving time for the flavors to blend and all the fish to become "cooked."

Chop cilantro and cut avocado. If using, slice the hearts of palm. Remove ceviche from fridge and carefully stir in cilantro and avocado pieces (and optional hearts of palm and cooked crab meat) right away, before avocado can darken.

Serve with tortilla chips or taco shells.

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