Sunday, July 5, 2009


We went back to Good Harbor when it was nearly dusk today. I brought a trash bag, and I filled it.

I think that letters to soda bottlers are in order. Also, letters to the producers of juices and fake-juice children's beverages. The beverages that I'm talking about come prepackaged with plastic-wrapped straws. We found a few dozen of those plastic straw wrappers just in one strip of beach, at the water's edge.

I was writing those letters in my head as I walked and picked up plastic. Victor said that he much preferred beach-combing for shells or sea glass. But three or four people said, "Thank you," or "God bless you" to me, the weird woman walking with a trash bag—-that doesn't happen when you're picking up shells.

1 comment:

  1. One day I was at an ATM here in Nbpt and the whole area (which is indoors) was strewn with juice boxes and other stuff taken out of the trash bin or just dumped on the floor. I took a pic because I was so disgusted at anyone who would let their child/children wreak such havoc and just walk away from it.
